Centre of Expertise on Policymaking System in the Western Balkans – CEPS WeB
Foreign Policy Initiative BH is currently implementing the six months long project is supported by the Regional Research Promotion Programme for the Western Balkans and in partnership with six organisations from the region (European policy centre – Serbia, European Policy Institute – Macedonia, Institut Alternativa – Montenegro, Institute for Democracy and Mediation – Albania, Group for Legal and Political Studies – Kosovo).
Partner organizations cooperate within the Think for Europe Network of Think Thanks and EU Policy Research Centres in South East Europe (TEN) which was established against the background of weak regional cooperation in EU related policy research. TEN thematic focus is, inter alia, on the involvement of civil society in policy and decision making, regional dimension of the EU accession process, public administration reform and administrative capacities for EU integration, good governance and government accountability. Recently, TEN stared a three-year project “Western Balkans Enabling Project for Civil Society Monitoring of Public Administration Reform (WeBER)” including all of the partners on this project.
CHF 11,145
Project aim
The aim of the project is to create the basis for establishment of center of excellence on policy making (Centre of Expertise on Policymaking Systems in the Western Balkans), within the institutional framework provided by the TEN. The project is oriented towards creating demand and raising awareness of the necessity for policy research and analysis at the regional level where this demand is low, through joint policy research and advocacy. CEPS WeB would pinpoint regional aspects of policymaking systems, procedures, approaches and capacities that are common across the region and go beyond national agendas. The project comprises activities aimed at conceptualizing CEPS WeB through organization of interactive workshops between workshops between the TEN member organizations and their associates in the process of joining.