VPI BH campaign – “You have the right to know. . . .”

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On the occasion of the International The International Day for Universal Access to Information, the Foreign Policy Initiative BH organized a campaign “You have the right to know” on social networks during September and October, which aimed to raise awareness of citizens regarding the importance of free access to information.

In addition to infografics and animations that you can see later in this article, we also organized two special video shows. During the first show we had the opportunity to talk to Dragan Ćuzulan, Coordinator of the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office in BiH and gave answers to the following questions:

  • How much are BiH citizens aware of the importance of freedom of access to all information of institutions?
  • What are the ways and mechanisms for institutions to open up to citizens?
  • Is proactive transparency one way to increase trust?
  • How far is Bosnia and Herzegovina realistically from the European standard of public administration?

The second edition of the special show we talked to Leila Bičakčić, the Director of Center for Investigative Reporting (CIN) and provided answers to the following questions:

  • How to deal with these problems and difficulties faced by media workers in BiH?
  • Is the pursuit of standards of active transparency of public administration the backbone and the usual state of the solution to these problems?
  • How far is Bosnia and Herzegovina realistically from the European standard of public administration?

Check out the content of the campaign below: