Public Administration Reform in BiH: Seminar for Representatives of WeBER NWG

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Foreign Policy Initiative BH, in cooperation with SIGMA/OECD organized a seminar for representatives of National Working Group within WeBER project in order to present the monitoring results of Public Administration Reform in BiH by SIGMA as well as the first monitoring results of the WeBER project.

The event was attended by representatives of CSOs from BiH which form the National Working Group for monitoring of PAR on the local level and the representatives of organizations which implement projects supported by the Small Grant Facility for monitoring PAR on the local level by the WeBER project. Chloe Berger, Head of Operations for Justice, Home Affairs and Public Administration Reform from the Delegation of the European Union in BiH gave the introductory remarks and highlighted the important of inclusion of the civil society in the reform processes.

Primož Vehar, Brian Finn and Marian Lemke, SIGMA experts, presented the Monitoring Report for BiH for 2017 in the six areas of Public Administration Principles. Anida Šabanović, WeBER researcher presented the first monitoring results of the project. Members of WeBER platform, Transparency International BiH and Centre for Investigative Journalism as well as the WeBER grantees presented their projects and their monitoring results. Vedrana Faladžić and Aneta Raić from the BiH Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office presented the institution’s current activities in the sector as well as the ongoing development of the new Strategic framework for PAR in BiH.

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