Achieving Excellence Through Regional Cooperation

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The final event of the project Centre of Expertise on Policymaking Systems in the Western Balkans-CEPS WeB  with the topic of Achieving Excellence through Regional Cooperation was held On 24 November in Belgrade. The event was attended by the partnering organizations participating in this regional project, all of which are members of the Think for Europe (TEN) Network together with the host, European Policy Centre from Serbia, Foreign Policy Initative BH from BiH, Institute for Democracy and Mediation from Albania, Group for Legal and Political Studies from Kosovo, European Policy Institute from Macedonia and Institute Alternativa from Montenegro. The project is financed under the framework of the Regional Research Promotion Programme (RRPP). The programme is fully funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).

The event marked the ending of the project whose aim was foundation of the regional centre for excellence as the next step in the successful and efficient cooperation among six regional think tanks. First Position Paper of the newly-founded CEPS WeB was also presented and the participants had the opportunity to exchange experience about the significance of regional cooperation and the need for creating and upgrading capacities of everyone involved in the policymaking system as well as the iimportance of the role of the civil society organizations in this process together with experts from the Regional Environmental Center (REC) and the Center for Excellence in Finance (CEF) from Ljubljana.

Read here the Position Paper