Presentation of analysis “Cantons in FBiH: Realities and Expectations in the EU Integration Process”

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This unique analysis about the situation in FBiH cantons and the level of their preparedness for future challenges in the EU integration process is the result of months long research conducted by Foreign Policy Initiative BH. The aim of the analysis is to enable better understanding of BiH’s European path by analysis the participating of cantonal levels of government in the EU integration process as a whole. Author of the analysis placed a special emphasis on researching the existing capacities within the cantons and those needed in the future which will be necessary to fulfill the obligations on the country’s path towards the EU.

Analysis commentator, Adnan Ćerimagić, analyst of the EU integration process, underlined the relevance of this analysis and that it can serve as a form of warning to all representatives of governments and BiH citizens how a more comprehensive engagement on concrete and relevant issues is needed and that only by doing that can the country make a significant progress towards the EU.

The presentation was attended by representatives of media, experts in the field of EU integration process, representatives of civil society organizations, diplomatic core and international organizations. Particularly important for the presentation itself was the presence of coordinators for EU integration from several cantons who recognized the relevance of this analysis and the needed for more frequent and wholesome dialogue between decision makers and cantonal levels of government. Questions and dilemmas related to enabling an efficient coordination mechanism and the competencies and possibilities of cantonal governments to answer to challenges of the EU integration process were at the centre of discussion which followed after the presentation and the commentaries.

*Full text of the analysis available only in local language.

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Predstavljanje analize: "Kantoni u FBiH: Realnosti i očekivanja u procesu pristupanja EU"