Presentation of policy analysis: “EU Membership Candidate Status: Between Challenges and Weaknesses“
This analysis of former Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina, eminent expert for the EU integration process and one of the architects of BiH diplomacy, presented the progress of Bosnia and Herzegovina on its path towards the European Union and emphasized the next steps BiH needs to take in order to get the candidate status. Ambassador Topčagić skilfully and concisely detected and analized challenges and weaknesses which threaten this process and which cannot be taken for granted if the positive momentum towards achieving the ultimate goal – full-fledged membership of BiH in the European Union- wants to be achieved. Commentators of the analysis, PhD Nedžma Džananović Mirašćija and MA Adnan Ćerimagić, emphasized the relevance of the informative and educational dimension of the analysis, underlining that the author’s experiences and extensive knowledge of the subject matter give the analysis special importance and legitimacy.
The presentation was attended by representatives of media in Bosnia and Herzegovina, expects in the field of European integration, representatives of civil society organizations and international organizations. The focus of discussion which ensued after the presentation were questions and dilemmas related to establishing efficient and functional coordination mechanism and competences of the governmental bodies to answer to challenges which the new EU approach towards BiH and submission of application for EU membership carry with themselves.
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