Late afternoon sessions: „Economic Diplomacy – High Priority Challenge for Bosnia and Herzegovina“
Foreign Policy Initiative BH and Friedrich Ebert Foundation are continuing with the series of late afternoon sessions. The goal of these late afternoon sessions is to open discussions on various aspects of BiH foreign policy and to gather BiH and foreign diplomats, representatives of state institutions, businessmen, journalists as well as representatives of academy and civil society in order to create an all encompassing platform for a quality discourse.
On 5th September 2013, Foreign Policy Initiative BH has held a session entitled „Economic Diplomacy – High Priority Challenge for Bosnia and Herzegovina“. Members of BiH Parliamentary Assembly, BiH Ministry of Civil Affairs, BiH Ministry of Foreign Affairs, FBiH Employers Association, Business Agencies and Academia participated in the session.
In a pleasant atmosphere, Mr. Mile Sadžak, Assistant Minister and Head of the Economic Diplomacy Department of the BiH Ministry of Foreign Affairs presented the analysis and provided his insight into key processes and the very concept of economic diplomacy in this modern day and age. He further elaborated why BiH needs economic diplomacy and what measures should be taken so that the BiH concept of economic diplomacy can become more efficient.
Ms. Jelica Grujić, Director of Foreign Investment Promotion Agenc05y in BiH elaborated on the practice of most of the world countries concerning the roles of Ministry of Economy and Ministry of Foreign Affairs in these activities.
Mr. Damir Šaljić, Economic consultant spoke of the role of economic diplomacy and the environment within which BiH economic diplomacy operates. – Slow progress of BiH on its road towards the EU, complicated internal structure as well as lack of expert staff and ever growing projects that require increased efforts.
It is the general conclusion form this discussion that BiH has for years been facing series of challenges, one of which is the search for successful economic development. Despite general conditions of foreign markets, tough competition, as well as the state of economic crises in today’s globalized world, activities are implemented and efforts are being made so that BiH businessmen could find their place in foreign markets. It is necessary to build an efficient concept of economic diplomacy which requires multidisciplinary approach where economic development of the county is concerned.