Lecture on the topic Fiscal union for the euro area: an overdue and necessary scenario?
Presented by Prof. Iain Begg, European Institute, London School of Economics and Political Science. The lecture was held on 21. December 2011 in Sarajevo at the UNITIC Business center.
The recent debt problems in Europe have led some commentators to claim that the hard choice now confronting the euro area is between a break-up of the single currency and moving rapidly to the adaption of fiscal union. In that sense Prof. Begg, provided an overview of the crisis in the euro area and of the changes that are currently being implemented. He discussed what fiscal union might entail, highlighted the possible scenarios and how likely are they to find favor.
Dr. Azra Hadžiahmetović, Faculty of Economy of Sarajevo University, Dr. Svetlana Cenić economic analyst and Mr. Damir Miljević, economic expert provided their reflections on professor Begg’s lecture. They also addressed the current macroeconomic situation in BiH, its fiscal and monetary stability and what impact of the Euro zone debt crisis will be on BiH.
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