Presentation of the Second Semi-annual Report for 2009 under the Project “Monitoring of the BiH European Integration Processes”
The Foreign Policy Initiative BH (FPI BH) invites you to take part in the Presentation of the Second Semi-annual Report for 2009 under the Project “Monitoring of the BiH European Integration Processes” UNITIC Conference hall, Fra Anđela Zvizdovića 1, on 26.02.2010. at 11.00. am
H.E. Bosse Hedberg, Ambassador of Sweden will give the introductory speech. Honourable Judge, Mr. Faris Vehabović, Judge of the Constitutional Court of Federation BiH, H.E. g. Dimitris Kourkoulas, Head of Mission of the Delegation of European Union in BiH, and Ms. Nevenka Savić, Director of the Directorate for European Integration of BiH, as well as FPI BH and NGO representatives will take part in the panel discussion.
The Project is funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and implemented by The Foreign Policy Initiative BH. FPI BH is a non-government, non-profit and non-partisan organization dedicated to debating and analyzing foreign policy, international relations and international commitments of Bosnia and Herzegovina, particularly the EU integration process and fulfilment of the obligations under the Interim Agreement – SAA. This project aims at demystifying the process of European Integration and explaining and bringing it closer to BiH citizens in order to provide a platform for discussion on targeted matters based on arguments and facts between the civil sector and BiH Institutions.
One of the main findings of the report is that there has been a significant improvement concerning the implementation of the obligations under the Title VII – Justice, Freedom and Security; especially in the complementary part of the Road Map for the Liberalization of the Visa Regime. The progress was also made in the area of protection of the intellectual property (Title IV) and financial cooperation – the applications for the IPA Funds. However, in most of other areas BiH is more or less in stagnation. The general assessment would be that the progress in the realization of the obligations under the Interim Agreement is visible in areas where there is an undivided political interest of the members of the coalition government and in expert areas where, because of the professionalism and enthusiasm of those doing the job, the political influence on the reform activities was avoided.
We ask you kindly to confirm your attendance on phone 033 555 265, or through the e-mail until 25.02.2010 the latest. Simultaneous translation on official languages in BiH and English will be available. VPI BH does not cover the cost of transport for the participants. You will be able to find the electronic version of the report at our web page after 25.02.2010., while the hardcopies of the report will be available at the presentation. If you are not able to participate please forward invitation to your colleagues.